Just waiting for my ride…

It was Winter of 1981 and my all girls college offered a group trip into NYC to see a revival of My Fair Lady starring Rex Harrison! This was a dream come true for me - A musical I know by heart - my father played the soundtrack and sang all of the songs on the piano. We didn’t have the luxury back then to just stream the movie. We had the music and the occasional showing on TV. Seeing a Broadway production with the man who created Henry Higgins was a once in a lifetime event and he did not disappoint! He was absolutely wonderful and as we walked left the theater, I felt like I was walking on air.

We congregated on a corner where the bus was supposed to meet us and there was a flurry of excitement among the girls. When I asked what was up, they pointed to a lone woman in a camel haired coat across the street standing by herself under a lamppost. “We think that’s Joanne Woodward!” “Are you sure? Why would she be all by herself?” We all knew that she was currently starring in Candida in the theater next door, but I wasn’t convinced she’d be standing there all alone. “I’m going to go find out” frustrated with all of the giggling and finger pointing.

I used to be neurotic. I didn't like myself very much. But somewhere in my mid-40s, my neuroses stopped seeming so important. I developed a sense of humor.

Joanne Woodward (thankfully, she’s still with us) was quite the amazing and respected actress known for playing complex characters in movies, television and theater. She was a strong, confident and outspoken woman who also happened to be married to one of the handsomest men in Hollywood! She definitely seemed to have it all!! Career, family and Paul Newman for over 50 years!!

Sexiness wears thin after a while and beauty fades, but to be married to a man who makes you laugh every day, ah, now that's a real treat.

When I was ten in 1973 I saw The Sting five times in two weeks, (my brother worked at the Rialto and snuck me into the balcony). I first went to see Robert Redford (major crush) but came back four times falling madly in love with Paul Newman. I was not alone - those blue eyes devastated us all!! I’ve seen A LOT of his films!!

By 1981 they were pretty famous for being the coolest, happiest couple in Hollywood who actually lived in Connecticut. She showed us there was career life after having a family with interesting, meaningful projects while Paul also made great movies and raced cars.

They supported many causes and in 1988 they started The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp for seriously ill children to “raise some hell” and the Newman’s Own Foundation which has raised over $250 million for charity and still going strong.

An activist is someone who makes an effort to see problems that are not being addressed and then makes an effort to make their voice heard. Sometimes there are so many things that it's almost impossible to make your voice heard in every area, but you can sure try.

As I crossed the street and headed toward the woman in the camel haired coat on the corner, I thought to myself

“Well, if this is her, don’t bring up Paul… she’s an accomplished and famous actress… People always bring up Paul!”

She turned to me as I walked up and gave me a dazzling smile - She was stunning! I was surprised she was so petite and her eyes were a such bright blue, I almost couldn’t speak.

There was no doubt - it was Joanne Woodward - standing by herself.

“Ms Woodward, my name is Sally and I’m with that group of women over there pointing at you. We’re big fans and I wanted to say hello.”

“So nice to meet you - I’m just here waiting for my ride.”

“I wish I could say we just saw Candida, but we saw Rex Harrison in My Fair Lady.”

“Oooh, how was it? I hope I can get to see it - was he wonderful?”

“Yes, absolutely! It was amazing! I just want to say that I admire you very much, am a big fan of your work and the columns you write in women’s magazines - you are a great role model for women!” I really said all of that - I felt very mature.

“Well, thank you so much, it means a lot to me!”

“Ok, I’m not going to bother you anymore, just wanted to say hello so you’d know who those crazy girls were…Best wishes for your show - I hope to come back to see it”

“Nice meeting you, hope you do too.”

I quickly walked back. The bus had arrived and everyone had already boarded. As I got to the door, I was expecting to be surrounded, begging me to tell them everything when all of a sudden…

They started screaming, moving to the side of the bus and pressing their faces against the window. I couldn’t see anything and kept saying “What! What’s happening!!”

In the midst of the screaming, a friend turned and said “Oh my God, Sally - he drove up in a sports car (blue Datsun 280zx) jumped out, kissed her, opened the door for her and off they went.”

That’s right - Paul Newman - He was the ride she was waiting for…

To this day…unbelievable…

They teased me all the way home - “Why did you walk away - you could have met HIM - Paul Newman!!”

Well, I got to meet Joanne Woodward!! It will always remain a thrilling moment for me and I’m hoping that she got in the car and said to him…

“I met this lovely young girl named Sally and you know what? She didn’t mention you once!!”

1957 Oscar Winning Performance - Ahead of her time!!


My Big Sister


The Meeting Place